When you think of engagement rings, you think diamonds – or is that how it used to be? Colored gemstones are becoming more popular for engagement rings, and with good reason. Slightly more exotic and unique than a diamond engagement ring is a ring with colored gemstones, perhaps combined with diamonds or other colored stones. If you are looking for an engagement ring with a gemstone, emerald is one of your best options.
Emerald is rich in history
The first known emerald mines were in Egypt, dating from at least 330 BC into the 1700s. Some, however, estimate that the oldest emeralds are 2.97 billion years old. Cleopatra was known to have a passion for emerald, and used it in her royal adornments. Indeed, she may have done a great deal to popularize that connection. The ancients considered these gemstones sacred symbols of fertility, immortality and rebirth. For this reason, mummies were often buried with emeralds. Reportedly, Cleopatra adorned herself and her palace with emeralds and also gave them as gifts to foreign dignitaries. Most likely, she intended this as a display of wealth and power.
Emeralds have been loved by various cultures throughout time. The Incas and Aztecs also valued these rich green gems, worshipping them as they represented divinities. Long before the European conquest of the Americas, emeralds from Colombia were prized by the indigenous peoples throughout Central and South America, including the Incas, Aztecs, Toltecs, and the Mayans. Emeralds played an important role in various celebrations and religious rites, and they were also used extensively for personal adornment. Emeralds from what is now Colombia were part of the plunder in the 16th century when the Spanish invaded.
Today, emerald is a symbol of loyalty, new beginnings, peace, and security, making it not only a beautiful gem to wear, but also a meaningful jewelry gift to be treasured by the receiver. The gem has incredible value, with Elizabeth Taylor's famous emerald pendant selling for $6.5 million in 2011.

Antique, vintage or modern
Due to its rich history, one can find emeralds in all different styles. Emeralds set within a yellow gold ring is a classic combination. Paired with diamonds, this adds to a whole new level of class. Vintage rings, for example for the Art Deco period, one often finds emeralds set in platinum or white gold together with diamonds, which is such a lovely combination. So whether you love subtle or impressive, vintage or antique, The Antique Ring Shop in the center of Amsterdam has something for you. Browse our website or visit us here in the store, we hope to see you soon!